
Eraxis Dosage/Direction for Use





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Dosage/Direction for Use
Specimens for fungal culture and other relevant laboratory studies (including histopathology) should be obtained prior to therapy to isolate and identify causative organism(s). Therapy may be instituted before the results of the cultures and other laboratory studies are known. However, once these results become available, antifungal therapy should be adjusted accordingly.
Adult patients: For patients with hereditary fructose intolerance (HFI) see Precautions.
Invasive candidiasis, including candidemia: A single 200 mg loading dose should be administered on Day 1, followed by 100 mg daily thereafter. Duration of treatment should be based on the patient's clinical response. In general, antifungal therapy should continue for at least 14 days after the last positive culture.
Esophageal candidiasis: The recommended dose is a single 100 mg loading dose of anidulafungin on Day 1, followed by 50 mg daily thereafter. Patients should be treated for a minimum of 14 days and for at least 7 days following resolution of symptoms. Duration of treatment should be based on the patient's clinical response. Because of the risk of relapse of esophageal candidiasis in patients with HIV infections, suppressive antifungal therapy may be considered after a course of treatment.
Pediatric patients (one month and older): For patients with HFI and all patients under 2 years of age, see Precautions.
Invasive candidiasis, including candidemia: The recommended dose is 3.0 mg/kg (not to exceed 200 mg) loading dose of anidulafungin on Day 1, followed by 1.5 mg/kg (not to exceed 100 mg) daily dose thereafter. In general, antifungal therapy should continue for at least 14 days after the last negative culture (defined as the second of two consecutive negative cultures, separated by at least 24 hours, following the last positive culture) and improvement of clinical signs and symptoms of invasive candidiasis including candidemia (ICC). Switch to an oral antifungal may occur after a minimum of 10 days on anidulafungin intravenous therapy.
The efficacy and safety of anidulafungin has not been established in neonates (less than 1 month) (see Precautions).
Anidulafungin should be reconstituted with water for injection to a concentration of 3.33 mg/ml and subsequently diluted to a concentration of 0.77 mg/mL before use according to the instructions given in Special Precautions for Disposal and Other Handling under Cautions for Usage.
It is recommended that anidulafungin is administered at a maximum rate of infusion that does not exceed 1.1 mg/minute (see Precautions, Adverse Reactions and Special Precautions for Disposal and Other Handling under Cautions for Usage).
Renal and hepatic impairment: No dosing adjustments are required for patients with mild, moderate, or severe hepatic impairment. No dosing adjustments are required for patients with any degree of renal insufficiency, including those on dialysis. Anidulafungin can be given without regard to the timing of hemodialysis (see Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics under Actions).
Other special populations: No dosing adjustments are required for adult patients based on patient gender, weight, ethnicity, HIV positivity, or geriatric status.
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