
Exigo Drug Interactions





Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
There have been no reports of potentially hazardous interactions with other drugs.
No in vivo studies have been performed. In vitro data revealed no inhibition of cytochrome P450 enzymes.
In vitro data showed an inhibition of betahistine metabolism by drugs that inhibit monoamine-oxidase (MAO) including MAO subtype B (e.g., Selegiline). Caution is recommended when using betahistine and MAO inhibitors (including MAO-B selective) concomitantly.
Although antagonism between betahistine and antihistamines may be expected theoretically, no such interactions have been reported.
The effects of Beta2 agonists may be decreased by betahistine.
There is a case report of potentiation of betahistine with salbutamol and a case report of interaction with ethanol and maloprim.
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