
Verziron Mechanism of Action



Y.S.P Industries


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Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics: Cinnarizine increases and normalizes cerebral circulation and thereby increase the oxygen supply of the arteriosclerotic cerebral vessels. It prevents and eliminates vascular spasms of the labyrinth.
The improvement of cerebral circulation is also sustained by the fact that Cinnarizine increases the blood flow as well as the blood and oxygen supply to the heart muscle. The heart capacity is improved.
The mechanism of action of Cinnarizine may be explained by its direct inhibitory action on the tonus of the smooth muscles of certain arterioles which renders less sensitive to certain contractile substances such as angiotensin.
Pharmacokinetics: In animals, cinnarizine is extensively metabolised, N-dealkylation being the major pathway. Approximately two thirds of the metabolites are excreted with faeces, the rest in the urine, mainly during the first five days after a single dose.
Absorption: In man, after oral administration, absorption is relatively slow, peak serum concentration occurring after 2.5 to 4 hours.
Distribution: The plasma protein binding of cinnarizine is 91%.
Metabolism: Cinnarizine is extensively metabolized mainly via CYP2D6, but there is considerable interindividual variation in the extent of metabolism.
Elimination: The reported elimination half-life for cinnarizine ranges from 4 to 24 hours.
The elimination of metabolites occurs as follows: one third in the urine (unchanged as metabolite and glucuronide conjugates) and two thirds in the faeces.
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