Search Result For "drugs acting on the uterus"
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Generic Name : Carboprost
Indication : Treatment of postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony which has not responded to conventional methods of management.
Manufacturer : MedEthix
Distributor : MedEthix
Generic Name : Isoxsuprine
Indication : Vasodilator. Arrest premature labor. Treatment of cerebral & peripheral vascular disease.
Manufacturer : MedEthix
Distributor : MedEthix
Generic Name : Carboprost
Indication : Postpartum hemorrhage due to uterine atony which has not responded to conventional methods of management.
Manufacturer : Multicare
Distributor : Zuellig
Generic Name : Oxytocin
Indication : Antepartum: Initiation or improvement of uterine contractions in order to achieve early vaginal delivery; induction of labour in patients w/ a medical indication for the initiation of labour (eg, Rh p...
Manufacturer : Neon
Distributor : Elin
Generic Name : Oxytocin
Indication : Induction & augmentation of labor, to control postpartum bleeding & uterine hypotonicity in 3rd stage of labor. Promotes lactation in cases of faulty milk ejection.
Manufacturer : Umedica Labs
Distributor : Cathay Drug
Generic Name : Isoxsuprine
Indication : Uterine hypermotility disorders eg, threatened abortion & uncomplicated premature labor. Adjunct therapy in the treatment of peripheral vascular disease eg, arteriosclerosis obliterans, thromboang...
Manufacturer : BIOFEMME, Inc
Distributor : BIOFEMME, Inc

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