Search Result For "drugs acting on the uterus"
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Generic Name : Oxytocin
Indication : Induction or stimulation of labor in hypotonic uterine inertia. Prevention & treatment of post-partum uterine atony & hemorrhage. Adjunct therapy for management of incomplete, inevitable or mi...
Manufacturer : Sanjivani
Distributor : Scheeling
Marketer : Ambica
Generic Name : Methylergometrine
Indication : Postpartum hemorrhage. Routine management after delivery of the placenta, postpartum atony, hemorrhage, uterine subinvolution; used after caesarian & hemorrhage after abortion.
Manufacturer : Lloyd
Distributor : Solvang
Marketer : Geofman
Generic Name : Carboprost
Indication : Uterotonic (prostaglandin).
Manufacturer : Ciron
Distributor : Phil Pharmawealth

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