Search Result For "electrolytes"
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Generic Name : Furosemide
Indication : Tablet: Furosemide is a potent diuretic with a rapid action. Like the other loop or high-ceiling diuretics, it is used in the treatment of oedema associated with heart failure, including pulmonary oed...
Manufacturer : Bell-Kenz Pharma
Distributor : Bell-Kenz Pharma
MIMS Class : Diuretics
Generic Name : Potassium chloride
Indication : Drug-induced hypokalemia, liver cirrhosis, nausea, vomiting, cholera, diarrhea, muscular weakness, paralysis, cardiac & CHF, diabetic ketoacidosis, ulcerative colitis, weakness, anorexia, drowsine...
Manufacturer : ACME
Distributor : Stada
Marketer : Euro Generics
MIMS Class : Electrolytes
Generic Name : Loperamide
Indication : Loperamide inhibits peristalsis and gastrointestinal secretions and is used in the management of acute and chronic diarrhea as well as in illeostomy management to control the volume of discharge. Howe...
Manufacturer : Medhaus
Distributor : Medhaus
MIMS Class : Antidiarrheals
Generic Name : amino acids + calcium chloride dihydrate + egg pho , ...more
Indication : Supply of water, electrolytes, amino acids & calories to patients by TPN when oral or enteral nutrition is unfeasible, insufficient or contraindicated.
Manufacturer : MG Co
Distributor : Vizcarra Pharma
Generic Name : Sodium chloride
Indication : Liquefies & loosens crusted or accumulated mucus. Helps restore moisture to dry or congested nasal passages associated w/ cold, runny nose, allergies, dry air from cold weather or airplane flights...
Manufacturer : Hizon
Generic Name : Sodium chloride
Indication : Relief of nasal congestion due to dry, irritated, crusty or inflamed nasal passages, low humidity, heat, environmental factors & air travel.
Manufacturer : UNILAB, Inc
Distributor : UNILAB, Inc

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