Search Result For "antidiarrheals"
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Generic Name : Loperamide
Indication : Management of acute & chronic diarrhea. Ileostomy management to control the vol of discharge.
Manufacturer : Medhaus
Distributor : Medhaus
MIMS Class : Antidiarrheals
Generic Name : Saccharomyces boulardii
Indication : Enhancement of intestinal ecology & natural resistance to intestinal infections. Improvement of lactose malabsorption & digestion.
Manufacturer : Mega Lifesciences
Distributor : Metro Drug
Generic Name : Racecadotril
Indication : Complementary symptomatic treatment of acute diarrhea in infants (>3 mth) & in childn together w/ oral rehydration & usual support measures, when measures alone are insufficient to control ...
Manufacturer : XL Lab
Distributor : Cathay Drug
MIMS Class : Antidiarrheals
Generic Name : Loperamide
Indication : Control & symptomatic relief of acute nonspecific diarrhea & chronic diarrhea associated w/ inflammatory bowel disease. Reduction of number & vol of discharge in patients w/ ileostomies &a...
Manufacturer : UNILAB, Inc
Distributor : UNILAB, Inc
MIMS Class : Antidiarrheals

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