Search Result For "antidiabetic agents"
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Generic Name : Glimepiride
Indication : NIDDM (type II diabetes), where hyperglycemia cannot be controlled adequately by diet & exercise alone. May be used in combination w/ insulin & metformin.
Manufacturer : Korea United Pharma
Distributor : One Pharma
Generic Name : Sitagliptin
Indication : To improve glycemic control in adults w/ type 2 DM as monotherapy in patients inadequately controlled by diet & exercise alone & for whom metformin is inappropriate due to contraindications or...
Manufacturer : Sai Mirra Innopharm
Generic Name : Teneligliptin
Indication : Type 2 DM as monotherapy or in combination w/ other oral hypoglycemic agents & insulin.
Manufacturer : Ajanta Pharma Phil
Distributor : Ajanta Pharma Phil
Generic Name : Gliclazide
Indication : Type 2 DM.
Manufacturer : Lloyd
Distributor : Littman
Generic Name : Pioglitazone
Indication : Management of type II DM.
Manufacturer : Cathay YSS
Distributor : Cathay YSS
Generic Name : Glimepiride
Indication : Type II DM (NIDDM) when dietary modification has failed in adequate glycemic control.
Manufacturer : ACME
Distributor : Euro Generics
Generic Name : Gliclazide
Indication : NIDDM in adults, in association w/ dietary measures & w/ exercise, when these measures alone are not sufficient.
Manufacturer : Stallion Labs
Marketer : Aldril

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