Search Result For "anticonvulsants"
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Generic Name : Gabapentin
Indication : Monotherapy in treatment of partial seizures w/ & w/o secondary generalization in adults & adolescents ≥12 yr. Adjunctive therapy in treatment of partial seizures w/ & w/o secondary gen...
Manufacturer : Vexxa Lifesciences
Distributor : VE Pharma
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Pregabalin
Indication : Peripheral & central neuropathic pain in adults. Adjunctive therapy in adults w/ partial seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalisation. Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) in adults.
Manufacturer : Sandoz
Distributor : Sandoz
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Pregabalin
Indication : Adjunct in the treatment of partial seizures.
Manufacturer : Getz Pharma
Distributor : Getz Pharma
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Gabapentin
Indication : Adjunctive treatment of seizures & neuropathic pain.
Manufacturer : Getz Pharma
Distributor : Getz Pharma
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Pregabalin
Indication : Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in adults. Adjunctive therapy in partial seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalization.
Manufacturer : Sandoz
Distributor : Cathay YSS
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants   /   Anxiolytics
Generic Name : Levetiracetam
Indication : Ivetra 250 FC tab/Ivetra 500 FC tab/Ivetra 1000 FC tab/Ivetra-100 oral soln As monotherapy for partial onset seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalization in patients from 16 yr w/ newly diagnosed epile...
Manufacturer : Torrent
Distributor : Torrent
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants
Generic Name : Levetiracetam
Indication : Julitam Tab: Monotherapy & adjunctive treatment of partial seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalization. Adjunctive therapy of myoclonic seizures & primarily generalized tonic-clonic seizures. ...
Manufacturer : Zydus Healthcare
Distributor : Zydus Healthcare
MIMS Class : Anticonvulsants

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