
Lantus Special Precautions

insulin glargine




Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
Traceability: In order to improve the traceability of biological medicinal products, the name and the batch number of the administered product should be clearly recorded.
Lantus is not the insulin of choice for the treatment of diabetic ketoacidosis. Instead, regular insulin administered intravenously is recommended in such cases.
Safety and efficacy of Lantus has been established in adolescents and children of 6 years and above. Due to limited experience the efficacy and safety of Lantus could not be assessed in children below 6 years of age, in patients with impaired liver function or in patients with moderate/severe renal impairment (see Dosage & Administration).
In case of insufficient glucose control or a tendency to hyper- or hypoglycaemic episodes, the patient's adherence to the prescribed treatment regimen, injection sites and proper injection technique and all other relevant factors must be reviewed before dose adjustment is considered.
Transferring a patient to another type or brand of insulin should be done under strict medical supervision. Changes in strength, brand (manufacturer), type (regular, NPH, lente, long-acting, etc.), origin (animal, human, human insulin analogue) and/or method of manufacture may result in the need for a change in dose.
Patients must be instructed to perform continuous rotation of the injection site to reduce the risk of developing lipodystrophy and cutaneous amyloidosis. There is a potential risk of delayed insulin absorption and worsened glycaemic control following insulin injections at sites with these reactions. A sudden change in the injection site to an unaffected area has been reported to result in hypoglycaemia. Blood glucose monitoring is recommended after the change in the injection site, and dose adjustment of antidiabetic medications may be considered.
Hypoglycaemia: The time of occurrence of hypoglycaemia depends on the action profile of the insulins used and may, therefore, change when the treatment regimen is changed. Due to more sustained basal insulin supply with Lantus, less nocturnal but more early morning hypoglycaemia can be expected.
Particular caution should be exercised, and intensified blood glucose monitoring is advisable in patients in whom hypoglycaemic episodes might be of particular clinical relevance, such as in patients with significant stenoses of the coronary arteries or of the blood vessels supplying the brain (risk of cardiac or cerebral complications of hypoglycaemia) as well as in patients with proliferative retinopathy, particularly if not treated with photocoagulation (risk of transient amaurosis following hypoglycaemia).
Patients should be aware of circumstances where warning symptoms of hypoglycaemia are diminished. The warning symptoms of hypoglycaemia may be changed, be less pronounced or be absent in certain risk groups. These include patients: in whom glycaemic control is markedly improved; in whom hypoglycaemia develops gradually; who are elderly; after transfer from animal insulin to human insulin; in whom an autonomic neuropathy is present; with a long history of diabetes; suffering from a psychiatric illness; receiving concurrent treatment with certain other medicinal products (see Interactions).
Such situations may result in severe hypoglycaemia (and possibly loss of consciousness) prior to the patient's awareness of hypoglycaemia.
The prolonged effect of subcutaneous insulin glargine may delay recovery from hypoglycaemia. If normal or decreased values for glycated haemoglobin are noted, the possibility of recurrent, unrecognised (especially nocturnal) episodes of hypoglycaemia must be considered.
Adherence of the patient to the dose and dietary regimen, correct insulin administration and awareness of hypoglycaemia symptoms are essential to reduce the risk of hypoglycaemia. Factors increasing the susceptibility to hypoglycaemia require particularly close monitoring and may necessitate dose adjustment. These include: change in the injection area; improved insulin sensitivity (e.g., by removal of stress factors); unaccustomed, increased or prolonged physical activity; intercurrent illness (e.g. vomiting, diarrhoea); inadequate food intake; missed meals; alcohol consumption; certain uncompensated endocrine disorders, (e.g. in hypothyroidism and in anterior pituitary or adrenocortical insufficiency); concomitant treatment with certain other medicinal products (see Interactions).
Intercurrent illness: Intercurrent illness requires intensified metabolic monitoring. In many cases urine tests for ketones are indicated, and often it is necessary to adjust the insulin dose. The insulin requirement is often increased. Patients with type 1 diabetes must continue to consume at least a small amount of carbohydrates on a regular basis, even if they are able to eat only little or no food, or are vomiting etc. and they must never omit insulin entirely.
Insulin antibodies: Insulin administration may cause insulin antibodies to form. In rare cases, the presence of such insulin antibodies may necessitate adjustment of the insulin dose in order to correct a tendency to hyper- or hypoglycaemia (see Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics under Actions).
Handling of the SoloStar pre-filled pen: Lantus SoloStar 100 units/ml in pre-filled pen is only suitable for subcutaneous injections. If administration by syringe is necessary, a vial should be used (see Dosage & Administration).
Before using SoloStar, the instructions for use must be read carefully. SoloStar has to be used as recommended in these instructions for use (see Special precautions for disposal and other handling under Cautions for Usage).
Medication errors: Medication errors have been reported in which other insulins, particularly short-acting insulins, have been accidentally administered instead of insulin glargine. Insulin label must always be checked before each injection to avoid medication errors between insulin glargine and other insulins.
Excipients: This medicinal product contains less than 1 mmol (23 mg) sodium per dose, i.e. it is essentially 'sodium-free'.
Effects on ability to drive and use machines: The patient's ability to concentrate and react may be impaired as a result of hypoglycaemia or hyperglycaemia or, for example, as a result of visual impairment. This may constitute a risk in situations where these abilities are of special importance (e.g. driving a car or using machines).
Patients should be advised to take precautions to avoid hypoglycaemia whilst driving. This is particularly important in those who have reduced or absent awareness of the warning symptoms of hypoglycaemia or have frequent episodes of hypoglycaemia. It should be considered whether it is advisable to drive or use machines in these circumstances.
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