
Cerazette Dosage/Direction for Use





Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Dosage/Direction for Use
The Cerazette pack contains 28 tablets. Arrows are printed on the front side of the pack, between the tablets. If the patient turns over the pack, and looks at the back side, she will see the days of the week printed on the foil. Each day corresponds to one tablet.
Every time the patient starts a new pack of Cerazette, take a tablet from the top row. Don't start with just any tablet. For example if the patient starts on a Wednesday, she must take the tablet from the top row marked (at the back) with WED. Continue to take one tablet a day until the pack is empty, always following the direction indicated by the arrows. By looking at the back of the pack the patient can easily check if she has already taken the tablet on a particular day.
Take the tablet each day at about the same time. Swallow the tablet whole, with water. The patient may have some bleeding during the use of Cerazette, but she must continue to take the tablets as normal.
When a pack is empty, the patient must start with a new pack of Cerazette on the next day - thus without interruption and without waiting for a bleed.
Starting on the First Pack of Cerazette: When no hormonal contraceptive has been used in the past month: Wait for the period to begin. On the first day of the period take the first Cerazette tablet. The patient needs not take extra contraceptive precautions.
The patient may also start on days 2-5 of the cycle, but in that case make sure she also uses an additional contraceptive method (barrier method) for the first 7 days of tablet-taking.
When changing from a combined pill, vaginal ring, or transdermal patch: The patient can start taking Cerazette on the day after the patient takes the last tablet from the present Pill pack, or on the day of removal of the vaginal ring or patch (this means no tablet-, ring-, or patch-free break). If the present Pill pack also contains inactive tablets the patient can start Cerazette on the day after taking the last active tablet (if she is not sure which this is, ask the doctor or pharmacist). If the patient follows these instructions, she needs not take extra contraceptive precautions.
The patient can also start at the latest the day following the tablet-, ring-, patch-free break, or placebo tablet interval, of the present contraceptive. If the patient follows these instructions, make sure she uses during the first cycle an additional contraceptive method (barrier method) for the first 7 days of tablet-taking.
When changing from another progestogen-only pill (mini-pill): The patient may stop taking it any day and start taking Cerazette right away. The patient needs not take extra contraceptive precautions.
When changing from an injectable or implant or a progestogen-releasing intrauterine device (IUD): Start using Cerazette when the next injection is due or on the day that the implant or the IUD is removed. The patient needs not take extra contraceptive precautions.
After having a baby: The patient can start Cerazette between 21 to 28 days after the birth of the baby. If the patient starts later, make sure she uses during the first cycle an additional contraceptive method (barrier method) for the first 7 days of tablet-taking. However, if intercourse has already occurred, pregnancy should be excluded before starting Cerazette use. Additional information for breast-feeding women can be found in Use in Pregnancy & Lactation. The doctor can also advise the patient.
After a miscarriage or an abortion: The doctor will advise the patient.
If the patient forgets to take Cerazette: If the patient is less than 12 hours late in taking a tablet, the reliability of Cerazette is maintained. Take the missed tablet as soon as remembered and take the next tablets at the usual times.
If the patient is more than 12 hours late in taking any tablet, the reliability of Cerazette may be reduced. The more consecutive tablets missed the higher the risk that the contraceptive efficacy is decreased. Take the last missed tablet as soon as remembered and take the next tablets at the usual times. Use an additional contraceptive method (barrier method) too for the next 7 days of tablet-taking. If the patient missed one or more tablets in the first week of tablet-intake and had intercourse in the week before missing the tablets, there is a possibility of becoming pregnant. Ask the doctor for advice.
If the patient suffers from gastro-intestinal disturbances (e.g., vomiting, severe diarrhea): Follow the advice for missed tablets as previously mentioned. If the patient vomits or uses medical charcoal within 3-4 hours after taking the Cerazette tablet or has severe diarrhea, the active ingredient may not have been completely absorbed.
If the patient stops taking Cerazette: The patient can stop taking Cerazette whenever she wants. From the day she stops she is no longer protected against pregnancy.
For any further questions on the use of this product, ask the doctor or pharmacist.
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