
Equirab Dosage/Direction for Use

rabies immunoglobulin


Bharat Serums and Vaccines




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Dosage/Direction for Use
First-aid treatment: Prompt local treatment of bite wounds and scratches that may be contaminated with rabies virus is important, whatever the time elapsed since the contact. Recommended first-aid procedures are immediate thorough flushing and washing of the wound with soap and water, detergent or other substances of proven lethal effect on rabies virus. Rabies antiserum should be injected as soon as possible after exposure. (see Table.)

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For prevention of rabies, combined immunoglobulin-vaccine treatment is recommended, although experience indicates that vaccine alone could be enough for minor exposure (Category II) The recommended dose is 40 I.U./Kg of body weight. If anatomically feasible, as much as possible of the dose should be infiltrated around the wounds. The remainder should be administered intramuscularly (into the gluteal region) in a single dose. The first dose of the vaccine should be inoculated at the same time as the immunoglobulin, but in different parts of the body. In no cases should the dosage of the rabies immunoglobulin be exceeded because immunoglobulin may partially suppress active production of antibodies. Children and adults receive the same dose of 40 I.U./Kg of body weight. When indicated, begin anti-tetanus treatment and administer antimicrobial drugs to control infections other than rabies.
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