



Siam Bheasach


Siam Pharmaceutical
Full Prescribing Info
SIFLEX TABLET: Each tablet contains Carbocysteine (INN: Carbocisteine) 375 mg.
SIFLEX SYRUP: Each 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) contains Carbocysteine (INN: Carbocisteine) 250 mg.
SIFLEX PEDIATRIC SYRUP: Each 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) contains Carbocysteine (INN: Carbocisteine) 100 mg.
Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics: Carbocysteine is a mucolytic agent in thiol group and the mechanism of its action is unclear. It virtually acts on the mucosa of the airway by altering the synthesis of respiratory mucus which is produced by irritated mucosa and liquefying the mucus for easy expectoration.
Pharmacokinetics: Carbocysteine is rapidly and well absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract with peak plasma concentrations occurring about 2 hours after oral administration. It appears to penetrate into lung tissue and respiratory mucus. The drug is excreted in the urine as unchanged drug and metabolites.
Mucolytic loosens mucus and reliefs cough for respiratory disorders characterized by excessive or viscous mucus eg. acute and chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, asthmatic bronchitis and emphysema.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Tablet: Adults: 2 tablets 3 times daily after meals.
This drug can be reduced to 1 tablet 3 times daily after a satisfactory response has been obtained or directed by the physician.
Syrup (250 mg/5 mL): Adults: 15 mL (1 tablespoonful) 3 times daily after meals.
Children 5-12 years: 2.5-5 mL (½-1 teaspoonful) 3 times daily after meals.
Children 2-5 years: 1.25-2.5 mL (¼-½ teaspoonful) 4 times daily after meals or as directed by the physician.
Pediatrip syrup (100 mg/5 mL): Children 5-12 years: 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) 3 times daily after meals.
Children 2-5 years: 5 mL (1 teaspoonful) 1-2 times daily after meals.
Children <2 years: 2.5 mL (½ teaspoonful) 1-2 times daily after meals or as directed by the physician.
Overdose and treatment: When the overdose reaction occurs, the drug should be discontinued and symptomatic supportive measures should be taken.
Patients with hypersensitivity to this drug.
Patients with peptic ulcer or a history of peptic ulcer.
Should not be given in the 1st trimester of pregnancy.
Special Precautions
Use with caution in patients with a history of peptic ulcer disease because of the risk that mucolytics may disrupt the gastric mucosal barrier.
Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnancy and breast feeding women. The drug should not be administered to pregnant women during the first trimester of pregnancy and breast feeding women unless the potential benefits outweighs the potential risks associated with treatment.
Adverse Reactions
When prolonged excessive dosage or strong doses are given, it may induce mild gastrointestinal symptoms including gastralgia, nausea, diarrhea and gastrointestinal bleeding. The doses should be decreased or discontinued.
Others: Skin rash and transient hypothyroidism may occur.
Caution For Usage
Incompatibilities: Mixing Carbocysteine with pholcodine linctus causes precipitation of Carbocysteine solution.
SIFLEX TABLET: Store below 30°C.
MIMS Class
Cough & Cold Preparations
ATC Classification
R05CB03 - carbocisteine ; Belongs to the class of mucolytics. Used in the treatment of wet cough.
Siflex ped syr 100 mg/5 mL
60 mL x 1's
Siflex syr 250 mg/5 mL
60 mL x 1's
Siflex tab 375 mg
10 × 10's
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