
Teracorte Overdosage





MacroPhar Lab
Full Prescribing Info
Overdose and Treatment: Symptoms: Topically applied desoximetasone cream can be absorbed systemically. Percutaneous absorption is enhanced when large amounts of corticosteroid are applied, when used under occlusive dressings, or when used chronically. Toxic effects of hypercorticism and adrenal suppression may appear. Should toxic effects occur, the dosage of desoximetasone cream should be discontinued slowly, consistent with the accepted procedures for discontinuation of chronic steroid therapy. The restoration of hypothalamic-pituitary axis may be slow; during periods of pronounced physical stress (severe infections, trauma, surgery) a supplement with systemic steroids may need to be considered. Toxic effect may include ecchymosis of skin, striae, discoloration or atrophy of the skin, peptic ulceration, hypertension, aggravation of infection, hirsutism, acne, edema, hypokalemia, subcapsular cataracts, muscle weakness and wastage due to protein depletion.
Treatment: Treatment of a patient with systemic toxic manifestations consists of assuring and maintaining a patent airway and supporting ventilation using oxygen and assisted or controlled respiration as required. This usually will be sufficient in the management of most reactions. Should depression occur, vasopressors and i.v. fluids may be used. Should a convulsion persist despite oxygen therapy, small increments of ultra-short acting barbiturate (phenobarbital or secobarbital) may be given i.v. Allergic reactions are characterized by cutaneous lesions, urticaria, edema, or anaphylactoid reactions.
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