Search Result For "antiparkinsonian drugs"
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Generic Name : Trihexyphenidyl
Manufacturer : Atlantic Lab
Distributor : Atlantic Pharma
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Generic Name : Apomorphine
Indication : Motor fluctuations in patients w/ Parkinson's disease who are not sufficiently controlled by oral anti-parkinsonism medication.
Manufacturer : Stada
Distributor : DKSH
Generic Name : Rasagiline
Indication : Idiopathic parkinson's disease as monotherapy (w/o levodopa) or adjunct therapy (w/ levodopa) in patients w/ end of dose fluctuations.
Manufacturer : Lundbeck
Distributor : B L Hua
Generic Name : Tolperisone
Indication : Symptomatic treatment of spasticity, muscle spasm.
Manufacturer : Biolab
Distributor : Biopharm
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Generic Name : Entacapone
Indication : Adjunct to levodopa/benserazide or levodopa/carbidopa treatment in patients w/ Parkinson's disease & end-of-dose motor fluctuations, who cannot be stabilized on those combinations.
Manufacturer : Orion
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma

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