Search Result For "vaccines, antisera & immunologicals"
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Generic Name : Rabies vaccine
Indication : Pre- & post-exposure immunization against rabies.
Distributor : Biovalys
Marketer : Biovalys
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Indication : Non-immune adults, adolescents & childn ≥1 yr at risk of both hepatitis A & B infection.
Manufacturer : GlaxoSmithKline
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma
Generic Name : aluminum phosphate + diphtheria toxoid + hepatitis , ...more
Indication : Active immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B & HIB disease in infants from 6 wk.
Distributor : Biogenetech
Generic Name : Vaccine, varicella-zoster
Indication : Prophylaxis against varicella in individuals ≥1 yr.
Manufacturer : Green Cross Corp
Distributor : Biogenetech
Local Product Insert : Click to view / Click to view
Generic Name : Vaccine, influenza
Indication : Prevention of influenza disease caused by 2 influenza A virus subtypes & 2 influenza B virus subtypes, for active immunisation of adults, pregnant women, & childn from 6 mth; & passive pro...
Manufacturer : Sanofi Pasteur
Distributor : Zuellig Pharma

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