
Eurovastin Drug Interactions





DCH Auriga - Healthcare
Full Prescribing Info
Drug Interactions
Tell the doctor or pharmacist if taking, have recently taken, or might take any other medicines.
Tell the doctor if taking any of the following: ciclosporin (used for example, after organ transplants), warfarin (or any other drug used for thinning the blood), fibrates (such as gemfibrozil, fenofibrate) or any other medicine used to lower cholesterol (such as ezetimibe), indigestion remedies (used to neutralise acid in the stomach), erythromycin (an antibiotic), an oral contraceptive (the pill), hormone replacement therapy, or lopinavir/ritonavir (used to fight the HIV infection - please see Precautions). The effects of these medicines could be changed by EUROVASTIN or they could change the effect of EUROVASTIN.
If the patient needs to take oral or injectable fusidic acid to treat a bacterial infection, he/she will need to temporarily stop using EUROVASTIN. The doctor will advise when it is safe to restart. Taking EUROVASTIN with fusidic acid may rarely lead to muscle weakness, tenderness or pain (rhabdomyolysis). See more information regarding rhabdomyolysis in Side Effects.
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