

vaccine, mmr




Agencia Lei Va Hong
Concise Prescribing Info
Attenuated Schwarz measles, RIT 4385 mumps (derived from Jeryl Lynn strain) & Wistar RA 27/3 rubella strains of viruses
Active immunisation against measles, mumps & rubella.
Dosage/Direction for Use
SC/IM Single 0.5 mL dose of the reconstituted vaccine. Patient w/ bleeding disorders (eg, thrombocytopenia or any coagulation disorder) Administer subcutaneously.
Hypersensitivity to neomycin, to any other component of the vaccine, or after previous administration of MMR vaccines. Subjects w/ severe humoral or cellular immunodeficiency. Pregnant women. Avoid pregnancy for 1 mth after vaccination.
Special Precautions
Rare anaphylactic event following vaccination. May contain traces of egg protein. Caution in individuals w/ history of anaphylactic, anaphylactoid, or other immediate reactions subsequent to egg ingestion; history or family history of allergic disease or convulsions. Do not administer intravascularly. Postpone vaccination in case of acute severe febrile illness. Allow alcohol & other disinfecting agents to evaporate from the skin before inj since they can inactivate the attenuated viruses in the vaccine. Limited protection against measles may be obtained by vaccination up to 72 hr after exposure to natural measles. Protective immune response may not be elicited in all vaccinees. Reports of worsening & recurrence of thrombocytopenia in patients who suffered from thrombocytopenia after the 1st dose. Carefully monitor immunocompromised subjects for signs of MMR. Lactation. Infants <12 mth of age may not respond sufficiently to the measles component of the vaccine due to the possible persistence of maternal measles Abs. Consider revaccination at or after 12 mth of age.
Adverse Reactions
Redness at inj site, fever ≥38°C (rectal) or ≥37.5°C (axillary/oral). URTI; rash; pain & swelling at inj site, fever >39.5°C (rectal) or >39°C (axillary/oral).
Drug Interactions
Live measles (& possibly mumps) vaccine may cause a temporary depression of tuberculin skin sensitivity. Always administer at different inj sites if to be given at the same time as another injectable vaccine. Leave an interval of at least 1 mth between vaccinations if Priorix cannot be given at the same time as other live attenuated vaccines. Likelihood of vaccine failure w/ human γ-globulins or blood transfusion.
MIMS Class
Vaccines, Antisera & Immunologicals
ATC Classification
J07BD52 - measles, combinations with mumps and rubella, live attenuated ; Belongs to the class of morbilli viral vaccines.
Priorix vaccine powd & solvent for soln for inj
(+ pre-filled syringe) 1's
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