





Agencia Lei Va Hong
Concise Prescribing Info
Salbutamol sulfate
Nebules Routine management of chronic bronchospasm unresponsive to conventional therapy. Treatment of acute severe asthma (status asthmaticus). Accuhaler Management & prevention of mild asthma attack. Treatment of acute exacerbations in moderate & severe asthma. Inhaler Relief & prevention of asthma symptoms. Relief medication in mild, moderate or severe asthma. Soln for IV infusion Relief of severe bronchospasm associated w/ asthma or bronchitis & treatment of status asthmaticus. Short-term management of uncomplicated premature labour; to arrest labour between 22 & 37 wk of gestation.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Nebules Adult & childn Initially 2.5 mg, may be increased to 5 mg. Treatment may be repeated qds via a nebuliser. In adults, up to 40 mg daily under strict medical supervision for severe airways obstruction. Accuhaler On-demand use should not exceed qds. Adult (including the elderly) Relief of acute bronchospasm 200 mcg as a single dose. Max: 200 mcg qds. Prevention of allergen- or exercise-induced asthma 200 mcg taken 10-15 min before challenge. Childn Relief of acute bronchospasm, or before allergen exposure or exercise 200 mcg. Max: 200 mcg qds. Inhaler On-demand use should not exceed 8 inhalations in any 24 hr. Adult (including the elderly) Relief of acute asthma symptoms including bronchospasm 1 inhalation, may be increased to 2 inhalations if necessary. Prevention of allergen- or exercise-induced symptoms 2 inhalations taken 10-15 min before challenge. Chronic therapy 2 inhalations up to qds. Childn Relief of acute asthma symptoms including bronchospasm, or before allergen exposure or exercise 1 inhalation, may be increased to 2 inhalations if necessary. Chronic therapy 2 inhalations up to qds. Soln for IV infusion Adult & childn ≥12 yr Severe bronchospasm & status asthmaticus 3-20 mcg/min. Resp failure Increase dose. Uncomplicated premature labour Dose must be individually titrated. Infusion rates of 10-45 mcg/min are generally adequate. Initially 10 mcg/min, increasing at 10-min interval until patient response. Thereafter, infusion rate may be increased slowly until contractions cease. Once contractions have ceased, maintain infusion rate at the same level for 1 hr & then reduce by 50% decrements at 6-hrly intervals.
Hypersensitivity. Non-IV formulations must not be used to arrest uncomplicated premature labour or threatened abortion. Accuhaler Patients w/ severe milk protein allergy. Soln for IV infusion Ischaemic heart disease. Pre-existing medical conditions w/ which a β-mimetic would have an untoward effect eg, pulmonary HTN & cardiac disorders eg, hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy or any type of obstruction of the left ventricular outflow tract eg, aortic stenosis. Any condition at gestational age <22 wk. Threatened abortion during 1st & 2nd trimester. Any condition of mother or foetus in which prolongation of pregnancy is hazardous. Intrauterine foetal death.
Special Precautions
Potentially serious hypokalaemia may result from β2-agonist therapy (mainly from parenteral & nebulised administration), & may be potentiated by concomitant treatment w/ xanthine derivatives, steroids, diuretics, & by hypoxia. Monitor serum K levels. Caution in patients w/ thyrotoxicosis. Pregnancy & lactation. Nebules/Accuhaler/Inhaler Immediately discontinue treatment in case of paradoxical bronchospasm. Nebules Do not inj or swallow. Can induce reversible metabolic changes eg, increased blood sugar levels. Very rare reports of lactic acidosis in association w/ high therapeutic doses of IV & nebulised short-acting β-agonist therapy. Monitor patients for the development of elevated serum lactate & consequent metabolic acidosis. Risk of acute angle closure glaucoma w/ nebulised anticholinergics eg, ipratropium Br. Caution in patients known to have received large doses of other sympathomimetic drugs. Uncertain clinical efficacy in infants <18 mth. Soln for IV infusion Reversible metabolic changes eg, reversible hypokalaemia & increased blood sugar levels. Lactic acidosis. Reports of maternal pulmonary oedema & myocardial ischaemia. Discontinue treatment if signs of myocardial ischaemia develop. Should not be used as a tocolytic agent in patients w/ significant risk factors for, or a suspicion of any kind of pre-existing heart disease. Monitor maternal pulse rate.
Adverse Reactions
Tremor, headache; tachycardia. Soln for IV infusion Myocardial ischaemia; lactic acidosis; hyperglycaemia, decrease in diastolic pressure, hypotension, pulmonary oedema, nausea, vomiting.
Drug Interactions
Do not co-administer w/ non-selective β-blockers eg, propranolol. Soln for IV infusion Concomitant administration w/ halogenated anaesth, corticosteroids, antidiabetics, K-depleting agents.
MIMS Class
Antiasthmatic & COPD Preparations
ATC Classification
R03AC02 - salbutamol ; Belongs to the class of adrenergic inhalants, selective beta-2-adrenoreceptor agonists. Used in the treatment of obstructive airway diseases.
R03CC02 - salbutamol ; Belongs to the class of adrenergics for systemic use, selective beta-2-adrenoreceptor agonists. Used in the treatment of obstructive airway diseases.
Inhaler: P1; Accuhaler, Soln for IV infusion (amp), Nebules: P1S1S3
Ventolin accuhaler 200 mcg/actuation
60 actuation x 1's
Ventolin infusion 5 mg/5 mL
10 × 1's
Ventolin inhaler 100 mcg/actuation
(CFC-free) 200 actuation x 1's
Ventolin nebules 2.5 mg/2.5 mL
20 × 1's
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