
Generic Medicine Info
Management of functional hypoglycaemia.
Special Precautions
Patient in whom retention of Na and water may be hazardous (e.g. impaired cardiac or cerebral circulation); patient w/ aortic coarctation, arteriovenous shunt, heart failure or other cardiac disorders in which increase in cardiac output could be detrimental; hyperuricaemia or history of gout; patient w/ risk factors for pulmonary HTN. Renal impairment. Childn. Pregnancy and lactation. Monitoring Parameters Monitor BP, glucose levels, white cell and platelet count regularly in prolonged therapy. Regularly assess bone and psychological maturation and growth in childn. Monitor serum uric acid in uremic patients.
Adverse Reactions
Inappropriate hypotension and hyperglycaemia, including ketoacidosis and hyperosmolar nonketotic coma; oedema due to salt and water retention, precipitating heart failure; dysgeusia, nausea, anorexia and other GI disturbances, mild hyperuricaemia, extrapyramidal symptoms, eosinophilia and thrombocytopenia, dyspnoea, hypertrichosis, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, blurred vision; hypersensitivity, manifested as rashes, leucopenia and fever. IV: Coronary ischaemia leading to angina, cardiac arrhythmias, marked ECG changes, tachycardia, palpitations, bradycardia; cerebral ischaemia leading to confusion, convulsions, loss of consciousness and neurological deficit; impaired renal function, vasodilatation symptoms, burning sensation in the vein used for inj; pulmonary HTN in neonates and infants.
Drug Interactions
Enhanced hyperglycaemic, hyperuricemic or hypotensive effects w/ diuretics. Increased risk of hypotension w/ other antihypertensive drugs or vasodilators. Increased risk of hyperglycaemia w/ concomitant phenytoin, corticosteroids or oestrogen-progestogen combinations. May displace other highly protein-bound drugs (e.g. coumarin and its derivatives) resulting in higher blood levels of these substances.
CIMS Class
Other Agents Affecting Metabolism / Other Antihypertensives
ATC Classification
V03AH01 - diazoxide ; Belongs to the class of drugs used in the treatment of hypoglycemia.
C02DA01 - diazoxide ; Belongs to the class of thiazide derivative agents acting on arteriolar smooth muscle. Used in the treatment of hypertension.
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