
Generic Medicine Info
Severe HTN, status asthmaticus, coronary artery disease, epilepsy and other convulsive disorders, cerebral oedema, CVA, hyperthyroidism/thyrotoxicosis, physical obstruction of the resp tract, head injury, known or suspected pulmonary embolism. Patients on mechanical ventilation.
Special Precautions
Patient w/ cerebrovascular disease, hypermetabolic states (e.g. phaeochromocytoma), HTN. Hepatic or renal impairment. Monitoring Parameters Monitor heart rate, BP, deep tendon reflexes, CNS status, ECG. Measure arterial blood gas and pH frequently during treatment.
Adverse Reactions
Significant: Dysrrhythmias, seizure, HTN or hypotension, dyspnoea. Nervous: Confusion, convulsions, dizziness, hallucinations, headache, hyperactivity. GI: Diarrhoea, nausea, vomiting. Resp: Bronchospasm, cough, hiccup, laryngospasm, hyperventilation, rebound hypoventilation. Genitourinary: Urinary retention, urinary bladder stimulation w/ spontaneous voiding. Musculoskeletal: Muscle fasciculation or spasticity. Dermatologic: Flushing, sweating, warm sensation. Others: Fever.
Drug Interactions
Additive pressor effect when concurrently used w/ MAOIs or sympathomimetics. May temporarily mask the residual effect when used w/ neuromuscular blocking agents. May cause increased CNS stimulation, agitation, muscle fasciculation and hyperactivity w/ concurrent use of aminophylline/theophylline. Cardiac arrhythmias may occur when given w/ anaesthetics that are known to sensitise the myocardium to catecholamines (e.g. enflurane, halothane, isoflurane), delay initiation of doxapram for at least 10 min after discontinuance of anaesthesia.
CIMS Class
Respiratory Stimulants
ATC Classification
R07AB01 - doxapram ; Belongs to the class of respiratory stimulants. Used in treatment of respiratory diseases.
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