
Generic Medicine Info
Prostate and breast cancer, nephrosis. Severe hepatic impairment. Pregnancy and lactation.
Special Precautions
Patient w/ oedematous conditions (e.g. migraine, seizure disorder, CV disease), DM. Renal and mild to moderate hepatic impairment. Childn. Monitoring Parameters Periodically monitor LFT, lipid profile, serum iron and iron binding capacity, Hb and haematocrit levels. Monitor radiologic examination of bones every 6 mth (prepubertal childn); urine and serum Ca, signs of virilisation in female patient treated for breast cancer.
Adverse Reactions
Significant: Benign hepatic tumours, blood lipid changes, mild virilisation, benign prostatic hypertrophy (elderly males), clotting factor alterations. Nervous: Excitation, insomnia, deepening of voice (female). CV: Coronary artery diseas, peripheral oedema. GI: Nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea. Hepatic: Reversible changes in hepatic function tests (e.g. increased serum bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase and glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, increased Bromsulphalein retention). Genitourinary: Increased creatine and creatinine excretion, phallic enlargement, increased erections (prepubertal males), erectile dysfunction, testicular atrophy and oligospermia, impotence, chronic priapism, testicular disease, epididymitis, bladder irritability, decreased seminal volume, clitoromegaly, menstrual disease, amenorrhea (female). Endocrine: Increased or decreased libido, decreased glucose tolerance, gynecomastia, hirsutism (female). Haematologic: Iron-deficiency anaemia, haemorrhage, leukemia, prolonged prothrombin time (PT). Musculoskeletal: Muscle cramps, increased creatinine phosphokinase, premature closure of epiphyses (childn). Dermatologic: Acne, androgenic alopecia, hyperpigmentation. Others: Chills, oedema, serum electrolytes retention.
Potentially Fatal: Peliosis hepatitis, malignant hepatic tumours, cholestatic jaundice w/ hepatic necrosis.
Drug Interactions
Increased fluid-retention effect w/ adrenal steroids or ACTH. May enhance anticoagulant effect (e.g. increased INR/PT) of warfarin. May increase hepatotoxic effect of cyclosporine. May enhance hypoglycaemic effect of blood glucose lowering agents. May increase risk of cholestasis of ajmaline.
CIMS Class
Anabolic Agents
ATC Classification
A14AA05 - oxymetholone ; Belongs to the class of androstan derivative anabolic steroids used as systemic anabolic agents.
Disclaimer: This information is independently developed by CIMS based on oxymetholone from various references and is provided for your reference only. Therapeutic uses, prescribing information and product availability may vary between countries. Please refer to CIMS Product Monographs for specific and locally approved prescribing information. Although great effort has been made to ensure content accuracy, CIMS shall not be held responsible or liable for any claims or damages arising from the use or misuse of the information contained herein, its contents or omissions, or otherwise. Copyright © 2024 CIMS. All rights reserved. Powered by CIMSAsia.com
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