
Ezetrol Mechanism of Action





Zuellig Pharma
Full Prescribing Info
Therapeutic Class: EZETROL (ezetimibe) is in a new class of lipid-lowering compounds that selectively inhibit the intestinal absorption of cholesterol and related plant sterols.
Pharmacology: Mechanism of Action: EZETROL is orally active and potent, with a unique mechanism of action that differs from other classes of cholesterol-reducing compounds (e.g., statins, bile acid sequestrants [resins], fibric acid derivatives, and plant stanols). The molecular target of ezetimibe is the sterol transporter, Niemann-Pick C1-Like 1 (NPC1L1), which is responsible for the intestinal uptake of cholesterol and phytosterols.
Ezetimibe localizes at the brush border of the small intestine and inhibits the absorption of cholesterol, leading to a decrease in the delivery of intestinal cholesterol to the liver. This causes a reduction of hepatic cholesterol stores and an increase in clearance of cholesterol from the blood. Ezetimibe does not increase bile acid excretion (like bile acid sequestrants) and does not inhibit cholesterol synthesis in the liver (like statins).
In a 2-week clinical study in 18 hypercholesterolemic patients, EZETROL inhibited intestinal cholesterol absorption by 54%, compared with placebo. By inhibiting the absorption of intestinal cholesterol, ezetimibe reduces the delivery of cholesterol to the liver. Statins reduce cholesterol synthesis in the liver. Together these distinct mechanisms provide complementary cholesterol reduction. EZETROL, administered with a statin, reduces total-C, LDL-C, Apo B, and TG and increases HDL-C in patients with hypercholesterolemia, beyond either treatment alone. Administration of EZETROL with fenofibrate is effective in improving serum total-C, LDL-C, Apo B, TG, HDL-C, and non-HDL-C in patients with mixed hyperlipidemia.
Clinical studies demonstrate that elevated levels of total-C, LDL-C and Apo B, the major protein constituent of LDL, promote human atherosclerosis. In addition, decreased levels of HDL-C are associated with the development of atherosclerosis. Epidemiologic studies have established that cardiovascular morbidity and mortality vary directly with the level of total-C and LDL-C and inversely with the level of HDL-C. Like LDL, cholesterol-enriched triglyceride-rich lipoproteins, including very-low-density lipoproteins (VLDL), intermediate-density lipoproteins (IDL), and remnants, can also promote atherosclerosis.
A series of preclinical studies was performed to determine the selectivity of ezetimibe for inhibiting cholesterol absorption. Ezetimibe inhibited the absorption of [14C]-cholesterol with no effect on the absorption of triglycerides, fatty acids, bile acids, progesterone, ethinyl estradiol, or the fat soluble vitamins A and D.
Pharmacokinetics: Absorption: After oral administration, ezetimibe is rapidly absorbed and extensively conjugated to a pharmacologically active phenolic glucuronide (ezetimibe-glucuronide). Mean maximum plasma concentrations (Cmax) occur within 1 to 2 hours for ezetimibe-glucuronide and 4 to 12 hours for ezetimibe. The absolute bioavailability of ezetimibe cannot be determined as the compound is virtually insoluble in aqueous media suitable for injection.
Concomitant food administration (high fat or non-fat meals) had no effect on the oral bioavailability of ezetimibe when administered as EZETROL 10 mg tablets. EZETROL can be administered with or without food.
Distribution: Ezetimibe and ezetimibe-glucuronide are bound 99.7% and 88 to 92% to human plasma proteins, respectively.
Ezetimibe is metabolized primarily in the small intestine and liver via glucuronide conjugation (a phase II reaction) with subsequent biliary excretion. Minimal oxidative metabolism (a phase I reaction) has been observed in all species evaluated. Ezetimibe and ezetimibe-glucuronide are the major drug-derived compounds detected in plasma, constituting approximately 10 to 20% and 80 to 90% of the total drug in plasma, respectively. Both ezetimibe and ezetimibe-glucuronide are slowly eliminated from plasma with evidence of significant enterohepatic recycling. The half-life for ezetimibe and ezetimibe-glucuronide is approximately 22 hours.
Elimination: Following oral administration of 14C-ezetimibe (20 mg) to human subjects, total ezetimibe accounted for approximately 93% of the total radioactivity in plasma. Approximately 78% and 11% of the administered radioactivity were recovered in the feces and urine, respectively, over a 10-day collection period. After 48 hours, there were no detectable levels of radioactivity in the plasma.
Characteristics in Patients (Special Populations): Pediatric Patients: The absorption and metabolism of ezetimibe are similar between children and adolescents (10 to 18 years) and adults. Based on total ezetimibe, there are no pharmacokinetic differences between adolescents and adults. Pharmacokinetic data in the pediatric population <10 years of age are not available. Clinical experience in pediatric and adolescent patients (ages 9 to 17) has been limited to patients with HoFH or sitosterolemia.
Geriatric Patients: Plasma concentrations for total ezetimibe are about 2-fold higher in the elderly (≥65 years) than in the young (18 to 45 years). LDL-C reduction and safety profile are comparable between elderly and young subjects treated with ezetimibe. Therefore, no dosage adjustment is necessary in the elderly.
Hepatic Insufficiency: After a single 10-mg dose of ezetimibe, the mean area under the curve (AUC) for total ezetimibe was increased approximately 1.7-fold in patients with mild hepatic insufficiency (Child Pugh score 5 or 6), compared to healthy subjects. In a 14-day, multiple-dose study (10 mg daily) in patients with moderate hepatic insufficiency (Child Pugh score 7 to 9), the mean AUC for total ezetimibe was increased approximately 4-fold on Day 1 and Day 14 compared to healthy subjects. No dosage adjustment is necessary for patients with mild hepatic insufficiency. Due to the unknown effects of the increased exposure to ezetimibe in patients with moderate or severe (Child Pugh score >9) hepatic insufficiency, EZETROL is not recommended in these patients (see Precautions).
Renal Insufficiency: After a single 10-mg dose of ezetimibe in patients with severe renal disease (n=8; mean CrCl ≤30 ml/min/1.73 m2), the mean AUC for total ezetimibe was increased approximately 1.5-fold, compared to healthy subjects (n=9). This result is not considered clinically significant. No dosage adjustment is necessary for renally impaired patients.
An additional patient in this study (post-renal transplant and receiving multiple medications, including cyclosporine) had a 12-fold greater exposure to total ezetimibe.
Gender: Plasma concentrations for total ezetimibe are slightly higher (<20%) in women than in men. LDL-C reduction and safety profile are comparable between men and women treated with EZETROL. Therefore, no dosage adjustment is necessary on the basis of gender.
Race: Based on a meta-analysis of pharmacokinetic studies, there were no pharmacokinetic differences between Blacks and Caucasians.
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