
Primigyn Contraindications



BSV Bioscience Phils


Full Prescribing Info
Use of Primigyn is not recommended in: Patients with hypersensitivity to prostaglandins; Patients in whom oxytocic agents are contraindicated, such as: Patients with history of cesarean section or major uterine surgery; Patients with cephalopelvic disproportion; Patients with history of difficult labor and/or traumatic delivery Grand multiparae with previous term pregnancies; Patients with non-vertex presentation; Patients with hyperactive or hypertonic uterine patterns; Patients with fetal distress where delivery is not imminent; Patients in whom surgical intervention is warranted; Patients in whom vaginal delivery is not indicated, such as, those with herpes genitalis, unexplained vaginal bleeding during pregnancy, vasa previa or placenta previa.
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