
Residon Adverse Reactions





JF Draf
Full Prescribing Info
Adverse Reactions
Risperidone may increase alcohol's action, as well as the action of medicines that reduce the ability to react (i.e., tranquilizers, narcotic analgesics, several antihistaminics and several antidepressants) and several antihypertensives.
Therefore, the patient must not consume alcoholic beverages.
Some medicines that are used in the treatment of Parkinson's disease (dopamine agonists i.e., levodopa) may agonize risperidone action.
Carbamazepine, a medicine used mainly in epilepsy or trigeminal neuralgia (strong facial pain) may affect risperidone effectiveness.
Most common: somnolence, stimulation, anxiety and headache.
Less common: indolence, difficulty in concentration, fatigue, blurred vision, dizziness, dyspepsia, nausea, vomit, epigastric pain, difficulty in bowel movement, sexual ability disorders, minimum urine incontinence, nasal blockage, skin rash.
Suppression, usually moderate and of small duration may occur more often in children than adults.
A small increase in body weight may be noted during treatment and small kinetic disorders such as tremor, light rigidity of the muscles and agitation may appear.
In some cases, sudden weakness and numbness on the face, arms or legs has been noted, especially on one side or even moments of bad speech articulation.
During long treatment, involuntary movements of the tongue, face or jaws may be noted.
After long treatment. some people may present breast increase, galactorrhea or menstrual disorder.
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