
Trioday Special Precautions




Phil Pharmawealth
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Special Precautions
Immune Reconstitution Syndrome: Immune reconstitution syndrome has been reported in patients treated with combination antiretroviral therapy, including efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. During the initial phase of combination antiretroviral treatment, patients whose immune systems respond may develop an inflammatory response to indolent or residual opportunistic infections (such as Mycobacterium avium infection, cytomegalovirus, Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia [PCP], or tuberculosis), which may necessitate further evaluation and treatment.
Autoimmune disorders (such as Graves' disease, polymyositis, and Guillain-Barré syndrome) have also been reported to occur in the setting of immune reconstitution, however, the time to onset is more variable, and can occur many months after initiation of treatment.
Lactic Acidosis and Severe Hepatomegaly with Steatosis: Lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis, including fatal cases, have been reported with the use of nucleoside analogues, including lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in combination with other antiretrovirals. A majority of these cases have been in women. Female sex and obesity may be risk factors for the development of lactic acidosis and severe hepatomegaly with steatosis in patients treated with antiretroviral nucleoside analogues. Treatment should be suspended in any patient who develops clinical or laboratory findings suggestive of lactic acidosis or pronounced hepatotoxicity, which may include hepatomegaly and steatosis even in the absence of marked transaminase elevations.
Risk of Adverse Reactions Due to Drug Interactions: The concomitant use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate and other drugs may result in known or potentially significant drug interactions, some of which may lead to possible clinically significant adverse reactions from greater exposures of concomitant drugs (See Interactions).
See Table 10 for steps to prevent or manage these possible and known significant drug interactions, including dosing recommendations. Consider the potential for drug interactions prior to and during therapy with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; review concomitant medications during therapy with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate; and monitor for adverse reactions associated with the concomitant drugs.
Patients Coinfected with HIV-1 and HBV: Clinical and laboratory evidence of exacerbations of hepatitis have occurred after discontinuation of lamivudine. These exacerbations have been detected primarily by serum ALT elevations in addition to re-emergence of HBV DNA. Although most events appear to have been self-limited, fatalities have been reported in some cases. Similar events have been reported from postmarketing experience after changes from lamivudine-containing HIV-1 treatment regimens to non-lamivudine-containing regimens in patients infected with both HIV-1 and HBV. The causal relationship to discontinuation of lamivudine treatment is unknown. Patients should be closely monitored with both clinical and laboratory follow-up for at least several months after stopping treatment.
HIV-1 antibody testing should be offered to all HBV-infected patients before initiating therapy. It is also recommended that all patients with HIV-1 be tested for the presence of chronic hepatitis B before initiating antiretroviral treatment.
Safety and efficacy of lamivudine have not been established for treatment of chronic hepatitis B in patients co-infected with HIV-1 and HBV. Emergence of hepatitis B virus variants associated with resistance to lamivudine has also been reported in HIV-1-infected subjects who have received lamivudine-containing antiretroviral regimens in the presence of concurrent infection with hepatitis B virus.
If treatment with EPIVIR-HBV or tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-containing product such as VIREAD is prescribed for chronic hepatitis B for a patient with unrecognized or untreated HIV-1 infection, rapid emergence of HIV-1 resistance is likely to result because of the sub therapeutic dose and the inappropriateness of monotherapy HIV-1 treatment.
Pancreatitis: In pediatric patients with a history of prior antiretroviral nucleoside exposure, a history of pancreatitis, or other significant risk factors for the development of pancreatitis, lamivudine should be used with caution. Treatment with efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate should be stopped immediately if clinical signs, symptoms, or laboratory abnormalities suggestive of pancreatitis occur.
Severe Acute Exacerbation of Hepatitis B in Patients with HBV Infection: All patients should be tested for the presence of chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) before or when initiating treatment with efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablet.
Discontinuation of anti-HBV therapy, may be associated with severe acute exacerbations of hepatitis B. Patients infected with HBV who discontinue efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablet should be closely monitored with both clinical and laboratory follow-up for at least several months after stopping treatment. If appropriate, resumption of anti-hepatitis B therapy may be warranted, especially in patients with advanced liver disease or cirrhosis, since posttreatment exacerbation of hepatitis may lead to hepatic decompensation and liver failure.
New Onset or Worsening Renal Impairment: Tenofovir, a component of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate, is principally eliminated by the kidney. Renal impairment, including cases of acute renal failure and Fanconi syndrome (renal tubular injury with severe hypophosphatemia), has been reported with the use of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (see Adverse Reactions).
Prior to initiation and during use of tenofovir, on a clinically appropriate schedule, assess serum creatinine, estimated creatinine clearance, urine glucose, and urine protein in all patients. In patients with chronic kidney disease, also assess serum phosphorus.
Dosing interval adjustment of tenofovir, a component of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets, and close monitoring of renal function are recommended in all patients with creatinine clearance below 50 mL/min. No safety or efficacy data are available in patients with renal impairment who received tenofovir using these dosing guidelines, so the potential benefit of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy should be assessed against the potential risk of renal toxicity.
Efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate should be avoided with concurrent or recent use of a nephrotoxic agent (e.g., high-dose or multiple non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)) (see Interactions). Cases of acute renal failure after initiation of high-dose or multiple NSAIDs have been reported in HIV-infected patients with risk factors for renal dysfunction who appeared stable on tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Some patients required hospitalization and renal replacement therapy. Alternatives to NSAIDs should be considered, if needed, in patients at risk for renal dysfunction.
Persistent or worsening bone pain, pain in extremities, fractures and/or muscular pain or weakness may be manifestations of proximal renal tubulopathy and should prompt an evaluation of renal function in patients at risk of renal dysfunction.
Bone Loss and Mineralization Defects: Bone Mineral Density: In clinical trials in HIV-1 infected adults, tenofovir disoproxil fumarate was associated with slightly greater decreases in bone mineral density (BMD) and increases in biochemical markers of bone metabolism, suggesting increased bone turnover relative to comparators. Serum parathyroid hormone levels and 1,25 Vitamin D levels were also higher in subjects receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (see Adverse Reactions).
Clinical trials evaluating tenofovir disoproxil fumarate in pediatric subjects were conducted. Under normal circumstances, BMD increases rapidly in pediatric patients. In HIV-1 infected subjects 2 years to less than 18 years of age, bone effects were similar to those observed in adult subjects and suggest increased bone turnover. Total body BMD gain was less in the tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-treated HIV-1 infected pediatric subjects as compared to the control groups. Similar trends were observed in chronic HBV-infected pediatric (see Adverse Reactions).
The effects of tenofovir disoproxil fumarate-associated changes in BMD and biochemical markers on long-term bone health and future fracture risk in adults and pediatric subjects 2 years and older are unknown. The long-term effect of lower spine and total body BMD on skeletal growth in pediatric patients, and in particular, the effects of long-duration exposure in younger children is unknown.
Although the effect of supplementation with calcium and vitamin D was not studied, such supplementation may be beneficial. Assessment of BMD should be considered for adult and pediatric patients who have a history of pathologic bone fracture or other risk factors for osteoporosis or bone loss. If bone abnormalities are suspected, appropriate consultation should be obtained.
Mineralization Defects: Cases of osteomalacia associated with proximal renal tubulopathy, manifested as bone pain or pain in extremities and which may contribute to fractures, have been reported in association with tenofovir disoproxil fumarate use (see Adverse Reactions). Arthralgia and muscle pain or weakness have also been reported in cases of proximal renal tubulopathy. Hypophosphatemia and osteomalacia secondary to proximal renal tubulopathy should be considered in patients at risk of renal dysfunction who present with persistent or worsening bone or muscle symptoms while receiving tenofovir disoproxil fumarate containing products (see Precautions).
Drug Interactions: Efavirenz plasma concentrations may be altered by substrates, inhibitors, or inducers of CYP3A. Likewise, efavirenz may alter plasma concentrations of drugs metabolized by CYP3A or CYP2B6. The most prominent effect of efavirenz at steady-state is induction of CYP3A and CYP2B6 (see Interactions).
QTc Prolongation: QTc prolongation has been observed with the use of efavirenz (see Interactions and Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics under Actions). Consider alternatives to efavirenz when coadministered with a drug with a known risk of Torsade de Pointes or when administered to patients at higher risk of Torsade de Pointes.
Psychiatric Symptoms: Serious psychiatric adverse experiences have been reported in patients treated with efavirenz, a component of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. In controlled trials of 1008 patients treated with regimens containing efavirenz for a mean of 2.1 years and 635 patients treated with control regimens for a mean of 1.5 years, the frequency (regardless of causality) of specific serious psychiatric events among patients who received efavirenz or control regimens, respectively, were severe depression (2.4%, 0.9%), suicidal ideation (0.7%, 0.3%), nonfatal suicide attempts (0.5%, 0), aggressive behavior (0.4%, 0.5%), paranoid reactions (0.4%, 0.3%), and manic reactions (0.2%, 0.3%). When psychiatric symptoms similar to those noted above were combined and evaluated as a group in a multifactorial analysis of data from Study 006, treatment with efavirenz was associated with an increase in the occurrence of these selected psychiatric symptoms. Other factors associated with an increase in the occurrence of these psychiatric symptoms were history of injection drug use, psychiatric history, and receipt of psychiatric medication at study entry; similar associations were observed in both the efavirenz and control treatment groups. In Study 006, onset of new serious psychiatric symptoms occurred throughout the study for both efavirenz-treated and control-treated patients. One percent of efavirenz-treated patients discontinued or interrupted treatment because of one or more of these selected psychiatric symptoms. There have also been occasional postmarketing reports of death by suicide, delusions, and psychosis-like behavior although a causal relationship to the use of efavirenz cannot be determined from these reports. Postmarketing cases of catatonia have also been reported and may be associated with increased efavirenz exposure. Patients with serious psychiatric adverse experiences should seek immediate medical evaluation to assess the possibility that the symptoms may be related to the use of efavirenz, and if so, to determine whether the risks of continued therapy outweigh the benefits.
Nervous System Symptoms: Fifty-three percent (531/1008) of patients receiving efavirenz, a component of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate tablets, in controlled trials reported central nervous system symptoms (any grade, regardless of causality) compared to 25% (156/635) of patients receiving control regimens. These symptoms included, but were not limited to, dizziness (28.1% of the 1008 patients), insomnia (16.3%), impaired concentration (8.3%), somnolence (7.0%), abnormal dreams (6.2%), and hallucinations (1.2%). These symptoms were severe in 2.0% of patients; and 2.1% of patients discontinued therapy as a result. These symptoms usually begin during the first or second day of therapy and generally resolve after the first 2-4 weeks of therapy. After 4 weeks of therapy, the prevalence of nervous system symptoms of at least moderate severity ranged from 5% to 9% in patients treated with regimens containing efavirenz and from 3% to 5% in patients treated with a control regimen. Patients should be informed that these common symptoms were likely to improve with continued therapy and were not predictive of subsequent onset of the less frequent psychiatric symptoms (see Precautions). Dosing at bedtime may improve the tolerability of these nervous system symptoms.
Analysis of long-term data from Study 006 (median follow-up 180 weeks, 102 weeks, and 76 weeks for patients treated with efavirenz + zidovudine + lamivudine, efavirenz + indinavir, and indinavir + zidovudine + lamivudine, respectively) showed that, beyond 24 weeks of therapy, the incidences of new-onset nervous system symptoms among efavirenz-treated patients were generally similar to those in the indinavir-containing control arm.
Patients receiving efavirenz should be alerted to the potential for additive central nervous system effects when efavirenz is used concomitantly with alcohol or psychoactive drugs.
Patients who experience central nervous system symptoms such as dizziness, impaired concentration, and/or drowsiness should avoid potentially hazardous tasks such as driving or operating machinery.
Embryo-Fetal Toxicity: Efavirenz may cause fetal harm when administered during the first trimester to a pregnant woman. Advise females of reproductive potential who are receiving efavirenz to avoid pregnancy (see Use in Pregnancy & Lactation).
Rash: In controlled clinical trials, 26% (266/1008) of adult patients treated with 600 mg efavirenz experienced new-onset skin rash compared with 17% (111/635) of those treated in control groups. Rash associated with blistering, moist desquamation, or ulceration occurred in 0.9% (9/1008) of patients treated with efavirenz. The incidence of Grade 4 rash (eg, erythema multiforme, Stevens-Johnson syndrome) in adult patients treated with efavirenz in all studies and expanded access was 0.1%. Rashes are usually mild-to-moderate maculopapular skin eruptions that occur within the first 2 weeks of initiating therapy with efavirenz (median time to onset of rash in adults was 11 days) and, in most patients continuing therapy with efavirenz, rash resolves within 1 month (median duration, 16 days). The discontinuation rate for rash in adult clinical trials was 1.7% (17/1008).
Rash was reported in 59 of 182 pediatric patients (32%) treated with efavirenz. Two pediatric patients experienced Grade 3 rash (confluent rash with fever, generalized rash), and four patients had Grade 4 rash (erythema multiforme). The median time to onset of rash in pediatric patients was 28 days (range 3-1642 days). Prophylaxis with appropriate antihistamines before initiating therapy with efavirenz in pediatric patients should be considered.
Efavirenz can generally be reinitiated in patients interrupting therapy because of rash. Efavirenz should be discontinued in patients developing severe rash associated with blistering, desquamation, mucosal involvement, or fever. Appropriate antihistamines and/or corticosteroids may improve the tolerability and hasten the resolution of rash. For patients who have had a life-threatening cutaneous reaction (eg, Stevens-Johnson syndrome), alternative therapy should be considered (see Contraindications).
Hepatotoxicity: Postmarketing cases of hepatitis, including fulminant hepatitis progressing to liver failure requiring transplantation or resulting in death, have been reported in patients treated with efavirenz, a component of efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate. Reports have included patients with underlying hepatic disease, including coinfection with hepatitis B or C, and patients without pre-existing hepatic disease or other identifiable risk factors.
Efavirenz is not recommended for patients with moderate or severe hepatic impairment. Careful monitoring is recommended for patients with mild hepatic impairment receiving efavirenz (see Adverse Reactions and Pharmacology: Pharmacodynamics under Actions).
Monitoring of liver enzymes before and during treatment is recommended for all patients. Consider discontinuing efavirenz in patients with persistent elevations of serum transaminases to greater than five times the upper limit of the normal range.
Discontinue efavirenz if elevation of serum transaminases is accompanied by clinical signs or symptoms of hepatitis or hepatic decompensation.
Convulsions: Convulsions have been observed in adult and pediatric patients receiving efavirenz, generally in the presence of known medical history of seizures. Caution should be taken in any patient with a history of seizures. Patients who are receiving concomitant anticonvulsant medications primarily metabolized by the liver, such as phenytoin and phenobarbital, may require periodic monitoring of plasma levels (see Interactions).
Lipid Elevations: Treatment with efavirenz has resulted in increases in the concentration of total cholesterol and triglycerides. Cholesterol and triglyceride testing should be performed before initiating efavirenz, lamivudine and tenofovir disoproxil fumarate therapy and at periodic intervals during therapy.
Fat Redistribution: Redistribution/accumulation of body fat including central obesity, dorsocervical fat enlargement (buffalo hump), peripheral wasting, facial wasting, breast enlargement, and "cushingoid appearance" have been observed in patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. The mechanism and long-term consequences of these events are currently unknown. A causal relationship has not been established.
Excipients: This medicine contains less than 1 mmol sodium (23 mg) per tablet, that is to say essentially 'sodium-free'. Trioday contains lactose. Patients with rare hereditary problems of galactose intolerance, total lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption should not take this medicine.
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