
Apo-Fluconazole Overdosage





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Symptoms: There has been one reported case of overdosage with fluconazole. A 42- year-old patient infected with human immunodeficiency virus developed hallucinations and exhibited paranoid behavior after reported ingested 8200 mg of fluconazole. The patient was admitted to hospital, and his condition resolved within 48 hours.
Treatment: In the event of overdose, symptomatic treatment (with supportive measures and gastric lavage if necessary) may be adequate. Fluconazole is largely excreted in urine. A three hour hemodialysis session decreases plasma levels by approximately 50%.
Mice and rats receiving very high doses of fluconazole, whether orally or intravenously, displayed a variety of nonspecific, agonal signs such as decreased activity, ataxia, shallow respiration, ptosis, lacrimation, salivation, urinary incontinence and cyanosis. Death was sometimes preceded by clonic convulsions.
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