
Minidoz Contraindications

ethinylestradiol + gestodene






Full Prescribing Info
Pregnancy, breast feeding, the patient or any member of the patient's close family has or has ever had blood clots in the legs, lungs, eyes or anywhere.
The patient or any member of the patient's close family has had a heart attack or stroke, or have any medical condition which makes the patient more at risk of developing blood clots.
Abnormal red blood cells (sickle-cell anaemia), disorders of blood fat (lipid) metabolisms, cancer of the breast or of the lining of the womb (mammary or endometrial carcinoma) or have ever had either of these conditions, abnormal bleeding from vagina of unknown cause, certain types of jaundice (Dubin-Johnson or Rotor syndromes), severe diabetes with changes to the blood vessels, live tumours or have ever had these, any other long or short term liver disease, allergy to any of the ingredients of Minidoz.
Do not take this medicine if the patient has had any of these conditions when she was pregnant: itching of the whole body (pruritus of pregnancy), the rash known as herpes gestations, worsening of inherited deafness (otosclerosis), light browning of the skin (jaundice).
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