







Concise Prescribing Info
Central & peripheral neuropathic pain in adults; neuropathic pain associated w/ diabetic peripheral neuropathy & spinal cord injury; postherpetic neuralgia. Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) in adults. Adjunctive therapy in patients w/ partial-onset seizures w/ or w/o secondary generalization. Management of fibromyalgia.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Adult Neuropathic pain Initially 150 mg daily. May be increased to 300 mg daily after 3-7 days. Max: 600 mg daily after additional 7-day interval. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy Initially 150 mg daily in 3 divided doses. May be increased to max of 300 mg daily in 3 divided doses w/in 1 wk. Neuropathic pain associated w/ spinal cord injury Initially 75 mg bid. May be increased to 150 mg bid w/in 1 wk. May further increase up to max of 600 mg daily (300 mg bid) after 2-3 wk. Postherpetic neuralgia Initially 150 mg daily in divided doses (75 mg bid or 50 mg tid). May be increased to 300 mg daily w/in 1 wk. May further increase up to max of 600 mg daily in divided doses (300 mg bid or 200 mg tid) after 2-4 wk. GAD Initially 150 mg daily in 2-3 divided doses. May be increased in increments of 150 mg daily at wkly intervals up to usual dose of 300 mg daily. May further increase up to 600 mg daily. Epilepsy Initially 150 mg daily in 2-3 divided doses. May be increased up to max of 600 mg daily at wkly intervals. Fibromyalgia Initially 75 mg bid. May be increased to 150 mg bid w/in 1 wk. Max: 450 mg daily. Renal impairment w/ CrCl ≥60 mL/min 150, 300, 450 or 600 mg daily in 2-3 doses, 30-60 mL/min 75, 150, 225 or 300 mg daily in 2-3 doses, 15-30 mL/min 25-50, 75, 100-150 or 150 mg daily in 1-2 doses, <15 mL/min 25, 25-50, 50-75 or 75 mg daily as single dose. Supplementary dose post-hemodialysis (as single additional dose): 25 mg daily schedule: 25 mg or 50 mg; 25-50 mg daily schedule: 50 mg or 75 mg; 50-75 mg daily schedule: 75 mg or 100 mg; 75 mg daily schedule: 100 mg or 150 mg.
May be taken with or without food.
Special Precautions
Discontinue immediately if symptoms of angioedema & hypersensitivity reactions develop; if marked elevations of creatine kinase occur or myopathy is suspected or diagnosed. Avoid use in older adults w/ history of falls or fractures. NYHA class III & IV CHF; PR interval prolongation. Increased risk of peripheral edema. Wt gain. Thrombocytopenia. Vision-related events including reduced visual acuity, visual field changes & blurred vision. Monitor for suicidal ideation & behavior, worsening of depression & unusual changes in mood or behavior. Serious, life-threatening, or fatal resp depression w/ or w/o coadministration of CNS depressants or in patients w/ underlying resp impairment. W/drawal seizure & other adverse effects (eg, insomnia, nausea, headache, anxiety, hyperhidrosis & diarrhea) w/ abrupt discontinuation. Hematologic disorder. Avoid concomitant use of ≥3 CNS-active agents in any combination; opioids. Do not drink alcoholic beverages during treatment. Concomitant use w/ thiazolidinedione. Do not drive car or operate machinery. Liver & kidney disease. Renal impairment (ie, CrCl <60 mL/min). Not to be used during pregnancy. Not recommended in lactation. Childn <4 yr (dizziness & somnolence or sedation including lethargy, sluggishness & hypersomnia).
Adverse Reactions
Peripheral edema; increased appetite, wt gain; constipation, nausea, xerostomia; asthenia, ataxia, dizziness, headache, incoordination, somnolence, tremor; diplopia; thinking disturbance, euphoria; nasopharyngitis; fatigue.
Drug Interactions
Potentiated effects of ethanol & lorazepam. Additive in cognitive & gross motor function impairment w/ oxycodone. Resp failure & coma w/ other CNS depressants. Reduced lower GIT function (eg, intestinal obstruction, paralytic ileus, constipation) w/ medications w/ potential to produce constipation eg, opioid analgesics.
MIMS Class
Anticonvulsants / Drugs for Neuropathic Pain / Anxiolytics
ATC Classification
N02BF02 - pregabalin ; Belongs to the class of gabapentinoids. Used to relieve pain and other conditions.
Nervica cap 150 mg
4 × 14's
Nervica cap 25 mg
4 × 14's
Nervica cap 50 mg
4 × 14's
Nervica cap 75 mg
4 × 14's
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