
Vabon Adverse Reactions





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Adverse Reactions
Endocrine Effects: Mild hirsutism, decreased breast size, voice changes, sore throat, acne, increased oiliness of skin or hair, hair loss, weight gain, edema, clitoral hypertrophy, testicular atrophy, flushing, sweating, emotional lability, vaginitis with itching, dryness, burning, and/or bleeding, glucose intolerance.
Genitourinary Effects: Mentrual irregularities, hematuria, reduction in spermatogenesis, abnormalities in semen volume, viscosity, sperm count, and motility.
Hepatic Effects: Cholestatic jaundice, peliosis of the liver, benign or malignant hepatic adenoma.
Nervous System Effects: Benign intracranial hypertension, headache, papilledema, nausea, vomiting, anxiety, depression, dizziness, fainting, fatigue, Guillain-Barre Syndrome, nervousness, seizures, sleep disorders, syncope, paresthesias, tremor, weakness.
Cardiovascular Effects: Increased blood pressure, thromboembolism, thrombotic or thrombophlebetic events.
Dermatologic and Sensitivity Reactions: Allergic reactions, urticaria, pruritus, petechiae, rash.
GI Effects: Gastroenteritis, changes in appetite, nausea, vomiting, constipation, bleeding gum.
Musculoskeletal Effects: Muscle cramps or spasm, joint pain or swelling, locked joints, pain in the back, neck, legs, or rarely, pelvis, carpal tunnel syndrome.
Hematologic Effects: Reversible erythrocytosis, leucocytosis, polycythemia, eosinophilia, leucopenia, increased erythrocyte and platelet counts.
Ocular Effects: Visual disturbances, conjunctival edema, cataracts.
Other Adverse Effects: Fever, chills, nasal congestion, pancreatitis.
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