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Use In Pregnancy & Lactation
Adequate data are not available regarding the use of AVAMYS Nasal Spray during pregnancy and lactation in humans. AVAMYS Nasal Spray should be used in pregnancy only if the benefits to the mother outweigh the potential risks to the foetus.
Fertility: There are no data in humans (see Pharmacology: Toxicology: Pre-Clinical Safety Data: Reproductive Toxicology under Actions).
Pregnancy: Following intranasal administration of AVAMYS Nasal Spray at the maximum recommended human dose (110 micrograms/day), plasma fluticasone furoate concentrations were typically non-quantifiable and therefore potential for reproductive toxicity is expected to be very low (see Pharmacology: Toxicology: Pre-Clinical Safety Data: Reproductive Toxicology under Actions).
Lactation: The excretion of fluticasone furoate into human breast milk has not been investigated.
It is unknown whether nasal administered fluticasone furoate is excreted in human breast milk.
Administration of fluticasone furoate to women who are breast-feeding should only be considered if the expected benefit to the mother is greater than any possible risk to the child.
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