





Agencia Lei Va Hong
Concise Prescribing Info
Salmeterol xinafoate
Regular symptomatic treatment of reversible airways obstruction in patients w/ asthma, including nocturnal asthma, or COPD. Prevention of exercise-induced asthma. For patients w/ asthma, it is indicated for those treated w/ inhaled corticosteroids who require a long-acting β-agonist.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Asthma Adult & adolescent ≥12 yr 2 actuations bd. Up to 4 inhalations bd in case of more severe airways obstruction. Childn ≥4 yr 2 actuations bd. COPD Adult 2 actuations bd.
Special Precautions
Use for the shortest duration required to achieve control of asthma symptoms. Only use long-term in patients whose asthma cannot be adequately controlled on asthma controller medications. Not a replacement for inhaled or oral corticosteroids. Only use as adjunct to corticosteroids in the management of asthma. Do not initiate in patients w/ significantly worsening or acutely deteriorating asthma. Immediately discontinue treatment in case of paradoxical bronchospasm. Consider very rare reports of increases in blood glucose levels when prescribing to patients w/ history of DM. Caution when co-administered w/ strong CYP3A4 inhibitors (eg, ketoconazole). Caution in patients w/ pre-existing CV disease; thyrotoxicosis; predisposition to low levels of serum K. No data available for use in patients w/ hepatic impairment. Consider use during pregnancy & lactation only if expected benefit to mother is greater than any possible risk to foetus/infant. Insufficient data available for use in childn <4 yr w/ asthma. Not appropriate in childn w/ COPD. Risk of serious resp-related events or deaths in African-American patients.
Adverse Reactions
Tremor & headache; palpitations; muscle cramps.
Drug Interactions
Avoid concomitant use w/ non-selective & selective β-blockers. Increased plasma exposure & QTc interval prolongation w/ ketoconazole.
MIMS Class
Antiasthmatic & COPD Preparations
ATC Classification
R03AC12 - salmeterol ; Belongs to the class of adrenergic inhalants, selective beta-2-adrenoreceptor agonists. Used in the treatment of obstructive airway diseases.
Serevent inhaler 25 mcg/actuation
120 actuation x 1's
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