
Clonipress Special Precautions





United Lab
Full Prescribing Info
Special Precautions
Caution in patients with cerebrovascular disease, ischemic heart disease including myocardial infarction, renal impairment, occlusive peripheral vascular disorders eg, Raynaud's disease or those with a history of depression.
Clonidine Discontinuation: Instruct patients not to discontinue clonidine therapy without consulting a physician. Abrupt withdrawal of clonidine treatment may result in symptoms eg, nervousness, agitation, headache and tremor followed by a rapid rise in blood pressure, and increase in plasma catecholamine concentration. Such occurrences have usually been associated with previous administration of high oral doses (exceeding 1,200 mcg/day) or with continuation of concomitant α-blocker therapy. Rare cases of hypertensive encephalopathy, cerebrovascular accidents and death have been reported after clonidine withdrawal. When discontinuing therapy, clonidine dose should be reduced gradually over 2-4 days to avoid withdrawal symptoms.
Use with caution in patients with severe coronary insufficiency, conduction disturbances, recent myocardial infarction or cerebrovascular disease and chronic renal failure.
Use in pregnancy & lactation: Pregnancy Category C: There are no adequate and well controlled studies in pregnant women. Use in pregnancy only if clearly needed.
Exercise caution when clonidine is administered to a breastfeeding woman as it can be excreted in human milk.
Use in children: Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients <12 years have not been established.
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