
Kanosole Warnings

triamcinolone acetonide




Phil Pharmawealth
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Adverse glucocorticoid effects lead to mobilization of calcium and phosphorus, with osteoporosis and spontaneous fractures; muscle wasting and nitrogen depletion; and hyperglycemia with accentuation or precipitation of the diabetic state. The insulin requirement of diabetic patients are increased. Increased appetite is often reported. Impaired tissue repair and immune function can lead to delayed wound healing, and increased susceptibility to infection. Increased susceptibility to all kinds of infection, including septicemia, tuberculosis, fungal infections, and viral infections, has been reported in patients on corticosteroid therapy. Infections may also be masked by anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic effects of glucocorticoids.
Other adverse effects include menstrual irregularities, amenorrhea, hyperhidrosis, skin thinning, ocular changes including development of glaucoma and cataract mental and neurological disturbances, benign intracranial hypertension, acute pancreatitis and avascular necrosis of bane. An increase in the coagulability of the blood may lead to thromboembolic complications. Peptic ulceration has been reported.
The negative feedback effects of glucocorticoids on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis may lead to adrenal atrophy in some cases after therapy for as little as 7 days. This produces secondary adrenocortical insufficiency which may be manifested following overly rapid withdrawal of treatment or be precipitated by some stress such as infection or trauma.
High doses of corticosteroids administered during pregnancy may cause fetal or neonatal adrenal suppression. Growth retardation may follow the administration of oven relatively small doses of corticosteroids to children.
Large doses of corticosteroids may produce Cushingoid symptoms typical of hyperactivity of the adrenal cortex with     moon-face, sometimes with hirsutism, buffalo hump, flushing, increased bruising, ecchymoses striae, and acne. Rapid intravenous administration of large doses of corticosteroids may cause cardiovascular collapse. High doses of Triamcinolone may have a greater tendency to produce proximal myopathy.
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