
Logimax Dosage/Direction for Use




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Dosage/Direction for Use
The dosage is individual. The starting dose is based on experience from earlier treatment with β-receptor blockers or calcium antagonists. The normal dosage is one Felodipine/Metoprolol succinate (LOGIMAX) prolonged release tablet (5 mg/47.5 mg) per day. If required, the dose may be increased to twice daily.
The prolonged release tablet is given once daily, in the morning. The prolonged release tablet must be swallowed with water, and must not be divided, crushed or chewed. The prolonged release tablet may be taken on an empty stomach or together with a light meal with a low fat and carbohydrate content.
Impaired renal function: Impaired renal function does not affect the plasma concentration. No dose adjustment is required. However, Felodipine/Metoprolol succinate (LOGIMAX) must be used with caution in patients with severely impaired renal function. (See Precautions and Pharmacology: Pharmacokinetics under Actions.)
Impaired hepatic function: A dose adjustment is not usually necessary for patients with hepatic cirrhosis since metoprolol has a low degree of protein binding (5-10%). If there are signs of very severely impaired hepatic function (e.g. patients who have undergone shunt surgery) doses higher than Felodipine/Metoprolol succinate (LOGIMAX) (5 mg/ 47.5 mg) must not be given.
Elderly patients: One Felodipine/Metoprolol succinate (LOGIMAX) prolonged release tablet per day is usually sufficient. If required, the dose may be increased to twice daily.
Children: There is a lack of experience of treatment of children.
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