Search Result For "other drugs acting on musculo-skeletal system"
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Generic Name : Glucosamine
Indication : Improvement of symptoms & mobility of joints in knee OA.
Manufacturer : MacroPhar
Distributor : MacroPhar Lab
Generic Name : Glucosamine
Indication : Adjunctive treatment of degenerative osteoarticular diseases, including primary & secondary osteoarthrosis eg, cervical, lumbosacral, coxofemoral, dorsal & scapulohumeral arthrosis, gonarthros...
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Generic Name : Glucosamine
Indication : Cap: Symptomatic relief of primary knee OA. Powd for oral soln: Relief from primary OA.
Manufacturer : Community Pharm PCL
Distributor : Community Pharm PCL
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Generic Name : Sodium hyaluronate
Indication : Relieves pain & delays progression of knee OA. Relieves pain in OA of the hip, ankle & shoulder.
Manufacturer : Fidia
Distributor : Pacific Healthcare
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