
Plendil Adverse Reactions





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Adverse Reactions
Felodipine can cause flushing, headache, palpitations, dizziness and fatigue. Most of these reactions are dose-related and appear at the start of treatment or after a dose increase. If such reactions occur, they are usually transient and abate with time.
Dose-related ankle swelling can occur in patients treated with felodipine. This results from precapillary vasodilatation and is not related to any generalised fluid retention. Experience from clinical trials has shown that 2% of patients interrupted treatment due to ankle swelling.
Occasional cases of confusion and sleep disturbances have been reported, but a connection with felodipine has not been established with certainty.
Mild gingival enlargement has been reported in patients with pronounced gingivitis/periodontitis. The enlargement can be avoided or reversed by careful dental hygiene.
Hyperglycaemia is a class-related undesirable effect, but has only been reported in individual cases for felodipine.
The following frequency definitions are used: Very common ≥1/10; Common ≥1/100, <1/10; Uncommon ≥1/1,000, <1/100; Rare ≥1/10,000, <1/1,000; Very rare <1/10,000. (See table.)

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